地 址:上海黄浦区北京东路科技京城668号东楼27楼C1
地 址:上海黄浦区北京东路科技京城668号东楼27楼C1
更新时间:2010-12-06 点击次数:1516次
Thick Film Temperature Compensation Technology of Pressure Sensor LI Ying,LIN Hong,WANG Xue—bing (Shenyang Academy of Instrumentation Science,Shenyang 110043,China) Abstract:Temperature compensation of silicon base pressure sensor were realized by the thick film circuit manufacturing tech— nology,it extended the compensation temperature range and improved the temperature compensation precision.The other perform- ance,such as the reliability,aseismatic capacity,high or low temperature shocking resistance,was also improved.The resistor network principle in the thick film temperature compensation circuit,the thick film circuit design and manufacturing technology and the resistance adjusting method were introduced.According to reasonable circuit,structure and technique design of the thick film circuit,the temperature compensation of the OEM pressure sensor was realized.The thick film temperature compensation technology of pressure sensor was successfully used in the production process. Key words:pressure sensor;temperature compensation;thick film circuit;resistor network
传感器的厚膜温度补偿技术就是采用厚膜电路、以陶瓷基 片作为衬底,将温度补偿电阻网络制作在陶瓷基片上,并采用 *激光调阻技术将补偿电阻调整到目标值允许的允差范 围内,和常规的环氧树脂板补偿电路相比,不仅减小了补偿电 阻的装配空问,省去了焊接电阻等繁杂的工序,而且阻值修调 精度高、电路稳定可靠,大幅度提高了生产效率,使传感器在外 观质量、补偿精度、抗震性能、稳定性、可靠性、性价比等各方面 都有显著的改善。
传感器的零点温度补偿采用两点补偿。即在传感器工作 的全温区内,使起始点温度的零点值与终止点温度的零点值相 等,且为零,这种补偿方法适合于零点温漂曲线非线性小的传 感器。 灵敏度补偿是通过在传感器供电电源两端并联一电阻R , 根据灵敏度温漂的趋势,利用分流原理,在不同的温度下选择 不同的供电电流,从而改变温漂,使传感器在不同的温度下的 灵敏度输出相等来实现传感器的灵敏度温度补偿。